History of the Female Orgasm

Like everything else, the female orgasm has a story…

Long ago, in the 4th century B.C., the great Hippocrates believed that the fetus was a result of female pleasure. Therefore, in order to procreate a woman must always be kept sexually satisfied.

In the same century however, the nemesis of the female orgasm, Aristotle, disagreed with Hippocrates. He suggested that only the man's semen was fertile, and that a woman had no role in the procreative process. So, female sexual pleasure was quickly looked down upon.

This mentality continued well into the Middle Ages. Throughout these centuries the Church advocated the repression of female sexuality. It promoted chastity, abstinence, and female isolation.

By the 18th century the female condition was no better, but it was believed that the female orgasm was necessary for reproduction. Yet, women were still encouraged to repress their sexual desires, and simply fulfill the needs of their husbands.

One horrible day in the 19th century, female pleasure was banned, and the husband was forewarned never to waken his wife's sexual desires.

During this time, manuals on the subject were written for young brides experiencing sex for the first time. Such manuals instructed that a young lady should "lie perfectly still and never under any circumstances grunt or groan while the act is in progress" (excerpt from "The Madison Institute Newsletter," Fall 1894).

Then one day, in the years following the Second World War (1945), something happened – female sexuality was slowly starting to make its way back into society…

The Sexual Revolution of the 1960's rode in like a knight in shining armor! Female sexual freedom was finally being recognized with the advent of the birth control pill, contraception, and continuing studies on female sexuality.

Today, women in Western civilization have reclaimed their bodies! They are learning to love and appreciate their sexuality, and men are also taking interest in learning how to pleasure their female partners.

Companies like Pure Romance are continuing to help empower women to discover and experiment with their sexuality.

You already know sex is fun, and it's good for your health, but did you also know sex can make you wealthy?
According to a financial adviser at SavingAdvice. com, the best financial advice he ever got came from a call girl who said, quote, "Don't marry her if she isn't great in bed.

Well, the guy eventually did marry a woman who was great in bed – and he says his sexually-healthy marriage actually makes him wealthier.

Here's how:
1.) Great sex reduces entertainment costs. If you had the option of choosing between hot sex and, well, anything else, you'd be crazy not to take the sex... and that'll save you money.

2.) Great sex keeps you out of the mall. We go to malls to buy things that make us temporarily happy. But if you're getting awesome sex, you're already happy… so you won't go to the mall and blow your dough on stuff you don't need.

3.) Great sex means you don't go to restaurants as much. Why spend hours at a restaurant when you can have a quick dinner at home and jump in the sack with your significant other?

4.) Great sex keeps you organized. You'll stop procrastinating and organize your life so you can get down to sexual activities as quickly as possible.

5.) Great sex makes you healthier. One survey found that sexually active people take less sick days because they're healthier. That means you'll make more money for the days you don't miss – and you'll have lower health insurance premiums.

6.) Great sex makes vacations less expensive. If you're having good sex, you'll save money by spending more time in the hotel room instead of jumping from tourist trap to tourist trap.

7.) Great sex means you won't cheat on your partner. Extramarital affairs cost a lot of money – but if you're having awesome sex with your partner, you won't need to look for it anywhere else.

8.) Great sex means you'll stay married. A good sex life is usually indicative of a good marriage... and that means you won't have to go through the costly process of getting divorced.

So now that you know what saves money and raises awareness! does the one who posted this bulletin, have all the goods for "great" sex!!! Find that out and Re-Post this as: CAN SEX MAKE YOU WEALTHY?

Hey girls! Host a Pure Romance party, spice up your sex life for FREE and get WEALTHY!!!!!!!
Or become a PR consultant and get wealthy from everyone else spicing up their sex life!

Thought about leading a healthier lifestyle but haven't gotten around to doing it? Here's a possible incentive: Experts say people who are mentally and physically fit are more likely to have good sex lives.

Can food put you in the mood? 

A few more tips on giving your libido a lift 

Sleep: Enhances sex and weight loss?

"If you feel good about yourself, you are in a better position to feel good about relationships, including your sex life," says Karen Zager, PhD, a psychologist in private practice in New York City.

"When one is not feeling well, and is exhausted, it can certainly have a negative impact on the quality of one's sex life," says Saralyn Mark, MD, a senior medical adviser at the Office on Women's Health.

This may all seem intuitive, yet many people find the road to a fitter mind and body to be bumpy, especially if it involves losing weight, starting an exercise program, reducing stress, or getting enough sleep.

One big reward, though, is to look and feel better -- arguably a plus for good romantic and sensual activities.

Eat Right

While there is no proven connection between a balanced diet and bedroom performance, a poor diet can cause health problems that can possibly interfere with sex.

Studies show animals that get too few calories tend to have weakened immune systems, says John Allred, PhD, professor emeritus of nutrition at Ohio State University. He says illness can be a big hurdle for pleasurable intercourse.

"If you have heart disease, then you might be taking medication that would inhibit sexual activity, or you might be afraid to have a heart attack," says Allred. "If you have the flu, a high fever, or just don't feel good ... any of these things would be a turn-off."

Mark Kantor, PhD, associate professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Maryland, agrees, saying, "You will feel sexy if you look and feel good."

A way to do that is to eat an overall balanced diet and to exercise each day. The two go hand-in-hand, says Kantor, as demonstrated by today's obesity problem, in which people eat too much food and aren't active enough.

Move That Body

Being physically active can be a natural Viagra boost, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), which recommends 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exertion a day.

"Men and women who exercise regularly are going to have increased levels of desire," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, ACE's chief exercise physiologist. "They're going to have enhanced confidence, enhanced ability to achieve orgasm, and greater sexual satisfaction."

If that isn't motivation enough to work out, consider this: Researchers have found that there is a correlation between waist size and a man's odds of having erectile dysfunction (ED). The larger the man's waist size, the greater his chance of having ED (because of a higher risk of underlying cardiovascular disease).

Need more positive reinforcement? Studies show that regular, moderate exercise can have a positive benefit on major sexual problems, such as ED in men and low libido in both men and women.

It only makes sense, say experts, since ED is often caused by poor blood flow to the penis, and exercise can improve the body's ability to pump and circulate blood throughout the body.

The same can be true for the ladies. In one University of Texas at Austin study, physically active women who watched an X-rated film had a 169% greater blood flow to the vagina compared with when they were inactive.

And there's more good news. Mark says exercise can promote the body's release of hormones important for sexual arousal, increase aerobic capacity and muscle strength, and boost self-body image -- all definite benefits for between-the-sheets play.

Sweet Dreams

For many of us, a good roll in the sack requires energy and the right mood -- elements that can be compromised when we are sleepy or tired.

While there is no direct relationship between slumber and better sex, a National Sleep Foundation (NSF) poll, conducted in 2002, shows people's moods can be affected by the amount of shut-eye they get.

People who sleep less than six hours are more likely to report they are tired, stressed, sad, and angry than those who sleep more than eight hours. On the other hand, those with few sleep problems tend to report they are "full of energy," "relaxed," and "happy."

In his practice, Russell Rosenberg, PhD, director of the Northside Hospital Sleep Medicine Institute in Atlanta, says chronic sleep-loss patients report not only being too physically tired for sex, but also having decreased libido.

Unfortunately, lower sex drive, tiredness, and grouchiness are the least of worries with sleep deprivation. Research shows people who don't catch enough winks tend to:

Get into more accidents. Inadequate sleep affects perception and motor skills.

Find it harder to lose weight. Not enough shut-eye can affect the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates.

Have an increased chance of a hormonal or metabolic disorder, which can indirectly put you at risk for medical problems such as type II diabetes and heart disease.

All of these consequences could undoubtedly put a damper on a person's sex life.

Rosenberg recommends trying to increase your total sleep time, even if it's just adding a half-hour or more per week. "Try it, and see how it affects your sex life," he says.


The brain may be the most important sex organ of all. It is perhaps in the mind where beliefs take hold and flourish about the effects of certain foods on sexual prowess, even as scientists deny any direct connection between diet and erotic fitness.

It is in the mind that people feel self-confident when they like the effects of exercise on their bodies. It is also where they feel happy and energized once they've gotten enough sleep.

Yet the inner workings of the brain can also keep a person from focusing on the delights of bedroom actions.

"In order to have a really healthy and pleasurable sex life, you have to be able to dismiss work; you have to be able to unwind and experience pleasure," says Zager. She says this means being able to temporarily forget about what your boss said, what was in the memo, what bills need to be paid, and what the children need.

Sex requires relaxation and time, adds Zager, noting that some couples may be too stressed and busy to enjoy or even have intercourse. She suggests setting priorities.

"Just how important is sex to you and your partner?" asks Zager. If it is vital to your relationship, she advises finding a way to work it into your schedule and working on making yourself less stressed or tired.

Some recommendations include eliminating some activities from your busy life, delegating jobs to someone else (by giving it to a partner, or hiring someone to do it), and doing an across-the-board cut in time spent on each activity.

To unwind, Zager suggests taking 5 to 30 minutes either to walk, meditate, take a hot bath, do yoga, or sit by yourself. This time can help charge personal batteries and can help make transitions between your work, family, and sex life.

To Your Bedroom Health

Living healthy may, indeed, have its benefits. If you eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, sleep enough, and take time to relax, there's a good chance your life between the sheets will improve.

Of course, there is no guarantee. But, as Zager says, it all forms a really good foundation.

"If you've got a good foundation of stress management, and setting your priorities, and taking good care of yourself, then on top of that, you can build relationships with other people and an enjoyable sex life,"

Top Ten Reasons Sex is Good for You!!

1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce increased amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.

2. Gentle, relaxed love-making reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.

3. Love-making can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.

4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!

5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.

6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!

7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world!

8. Smooch while in the sack. Kissing encouages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.

9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A love-making session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.

10. A lot of love-making can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.

Want to learn more facts about sex and sexual health? Book a party and while you're learning you could be earning a $100.00 shopping spree!!

Pure Romance by Paula Pierce
[email protected]

Kiss Your Way to Better Sex:
Improve His Technique
By Lou Paget, author of How To Be A Great Lover

For most of us, women and men alike, there was that one person who kissed us like no other. Some of us are lucky enough to still be with that person. For others, that person's kissing skill may have been his best attribute, and while our current partners have many other skills, kissing is not at the top of the list. No need to merely daydream about those past great kisses -- you are about to be handed the keys to the kissing kingdom. Follow this workshop and you will be armed with the information you need to create motor-revving kisses at your will. I will share with you, from my international seminars and books, the best ways to show your partner how you love to be kissed -- to guide him to better kissing. Given that kissing is one of the more important parts of lovemaking, it should be something we all do well. Critically important is the way in which you approach making suggestions to your partner. Always make a point of saying what works, not what doesn't. Do not tell him he doesn't kiss well or doesn't "do it" for you unless, of course, you don't want to see him again.

Know that people will often touch (and kiss) the way they like to be touched. As men are stronger and have thicker skin than women, they often touch to the pressure they know and like, which can be too much, especially initially, for women. Also, because men's mouths and tongues are larger, they may be too forceful in the moment of passion. Yet men are aware how easily a woman can go from 60 to 0 on the desire meter as a result of overly forceful or careless kissing. And there is nothing they want to avoid more than something that will interrupt lovemaking.

How can you be kissed the way you want to be kissed? Follow these exercises -- and enjoy the results!

1. Take control:
You and your partner are kissing. You gently start to take control by placing your hands on either side of his face, holding his cheeks and guiding his lips. In doing so, you are in control of the amount of pressure and motion of his mouth and, in turn, he feels the warmth of your hands. This can be especially good if your partner's mouth is too loose or open for you. Then it is your responsibility to kiss him as you LOVE TO BE KISSED.

2. Get him to follow your lead:
Stop when you want and tell your partner, "I just love kissing. It's the one thing that gets me ______________ [fill in the blank; for example, you might add the word "hot" or "turned on" or "wet"]. Then look at him and say, "Will you show me what it feels like to be kissed by me?"

3. Introduce a fantasy:
Tell him that you had a dream the other night about how he was kissing you -- and it was fabulous. Whether or not you actually had this dream, what you need to do is have an idea about what you want to ask for. So think ahead to how you want to blend the new kissing style or technique you want with what he already does. That way, you're not asking for a completely different thing and won't risk offending his ego. If you can't manage to explain what you want fully using your dream, tell him, "You did something like this " and then show him what you want.

4. Praise your partner:
Let your partner know when he has kissed you right. If he does something you really like, repeat it on him and ask if it feels as good to him as it did to you. To tweak his style, it's important that you use one-word directions, such as "lighter," "left," "right," etc. Men have shared with me that sentence-long guidance feels like criticism, while one-word comments sound like gentle direction. Remember that while you may feel that the more you tell, the better he will be hearing your words through his own sexual gender filter.

5. Repeat:
Don't assume that one time through will work. Men often need reminding (yes, even when it comes to better kissing and better sex). Repeat exercises 1-4 as often as necessary. And enjoy!

By: Tracey Cox

To say women are complicated sexually is about as obvious as me pointing out you'd be awfully tired if you tried to swim from here to Australia. Everyone knows women find it harder to orgasm than men do. Here's a rundown of the reasons why -- and how to up your chances of enjoying hassle-free sex like he does.

You Just Don't Feel Like It

Pinpoint exactly what's happening

Temporary lack of desire means you normally love sex but are just going through an off period. Long-term lack of desire means passion hasn't lived at your house for quite some time. Low sensation means you want sex but your body doesn't, refusing to respond physically to erotic arousal of the brain. Your genitals remain dry and you've got a low sensitivity to touch and sensation on your clitoris and vaginal area.

If you're suffering from low sensation, head for your doctor and ask for a referral to a good gynecologist for a full check-up. The problem's usually physically based with common culprits being pelvic surgery like hysterectomy, high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, hormonal changes like having a baby and medications.

Temporary lack of desire can usually be pinpointed to a specific event if you think hard enough. Apart from the obvious things like having a baby, there's stress (Just got a promotion? Moved to a new house?), exhaustion (all or any of the above), the death of a loved one, tension in your relationship and any one of a number of things which make you feel less than wonderful. If you can identify a specific event, the solution usually presents itself along with the realization. Super stressed? Rethink your priorities. If you're grieving, give yourself time to heal.

If you haven't felt sexual for a year or more and have no idea why, that's when you need to sit up and pay attention. And be truthful. The first and most likely reason you're not (ever) turned on is you're in the wrong relationship or your partner's a lousy lover. By far the biggest obstacle between us and the Big O is a partner who hasn't the first clue about how to get us there. I'm happy to report, however, that with some open, honest communication and education about what you need to orgasm, this can be solved.